My family is very big but I just chose my mother, Ingrid Gutierrez
She's the best, she's always in the moments that I need her, she listens to me and I can talk to her with confidence.
My brother is Leonardo Andres,
I love him immensely, he's always with me, he plays baseball and is the best, we share much time together.
My Boyfriend is Carlos Duarte
I love him, he's one of the most important people in my life, he's always with me in the goods and the bads, he listen to me and support me, we spent much time together, also he help me when I need it.
My friends at school:
My classmates, they were with me many years of my life, they shared many beautiful experiences, perform many homework together.
My best friend is Viviany Lopez,
She's unique, she's always with me, she listens to me and she gives me good advices, I can say that she is like my sister.